
Customized Consulting and Technical Assistance: Science

Science Program Status Evaluation: Reaching your destination is easier when you know where you are in the first place! LEARN can help you analyze the current state of your school's or district's science program, providing a baseline for change toward the vision of A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas the guides the Next Generation Science Standards. We can guide the process using a SWOT analysis and assist in data collection through survey development, classroom observations, curriculum and instructional materials audits, etc.

Support for Implementing NGSS: Change takes time! A clear understanding of the desired outcomes and a plan to reach them helps, too! LEARN can support your school or district in the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards by helping to design a tailored professional development sequence for administrators, curriculum specialists, teachers, and support personnel. The shift to NGSS is more than having a new set of state science standards, it calls for different instructional strategies in very student-centered learning environments. LEARN has worked with the Science Consultants at the CT-SDE in the development of workshops, institutes, PLCs supported by online resources, and can provide science instructional coaching at the classroom level.