Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a copy of my fingerprints? No. You do not need a copy of your fingerprints as they are sent electronically through the LiveScan system.
Can I reuse fingerprints if I have had them taken recently? No. You cannot reuse your prints for any other school district or job. You will need to be fingerprinted for each employer that requires fingerprinting.
Where do I get my “Service Code”? Please contact your Board of Education (school/district) or employer to obtain your service code. If the Board of Education or employer does not have a service code, please contact LEARN directly and we will assist you.
Do I need to pre-enroll before showing up to my appointment? Yes. You will need to pre-enroll prior to coming in for your fingerprinting appointment.
Do I need to pay the pre-enrollment fee before I can receive my Applicant Tracking Number? Yes. You will not receive your Applicant Tracking Number until you have paid the fee at the end of your enrollment.
Who gets my results and when? The results are sent directly to each school by the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP). As the results are sent by the DESPP, LEARN cannot view the results or confirm the timeline for delivery of the results.
I would like to apply to multiple schools. What is the process? You will need a service code for each district that you need to be fingerprinted for. You will need to pre-enroll for each district and be fingerprinted for each district.
How can I check to see if LEARN Fingerprinting Services is open during inclement weather? In the case of inclement weather, please check the website homepage for office/program closures.
Can LEARN share any criminal history information with others, with or without my authorization? Under the State of Connecticut FBI CJIS Security Policy, any and all criminal history information cannot be re-used for subsequent unrelated needs by the original requestor/recipient and cannot be disseminated to another recipient for subsequent unrelated re-use, future anticipated uses, regardless of whether or not the needs are formally related and outside of a state's jurisdiction.
Where can I find the FBI Privacy Act Statement?
For information regarding the FBI Privacy Act Statement, click here: FBI Privacy Act Statement
updated June 2022